Forever Knight Wiki
Destiny's Arrival
Author Sammi
Where posted Sammi's Playground
You Want Fries With That?
Format script
(archived) Archive Location

Story Recap[]

Author's Note[]

"I know this one seems to pick up toward the end of an arc, but that's just how it is. I wrote some stuff for a friend and she wanted it resolved, so this was my answer. If you really want the prelim stuff, you can contact me and I can write out something for you. Unfortunately, it would seem I lost my original notes and outlines. NOTE: The prelim stuff are NOT stories. They are outlines only. This was an attempt at anger placement by my friends and I and they wanted this one written first."


  • Posted to Sammi's personal website, Sammi's Playground, in three parts: 1, 2, and 3
  • Also archived on the website, You Want Fries With That?, which has been partly archived on the Wayback Machine, but with no copy of "Destiny's Arrival".

See Also[]
