Forever Knight Wiki
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Sonny Vetter's record in the National Archive of Organ Transplant Candidates.

Sonny Vetter is the paternal uncle of Det. Tracy Vetter, Nick Knight's partner in Season Three of Forever Knight. He has a severe heart condition requiring a transplant.

In Let No Man Tear Asunder, a homicide case involving the black market in stolen organs leads Tracy to go undercover, using her Uncle Sonny's case as a way to persuade the organization that she is genuinely interested in purchasing an illegal heart for her uncle. To bolster her case, she looks up her uncle's medical records in order to remove him from the "Urgent" list so that the doctor running the organization will believe that she is bypassing the proper channels.

There are two medical records she accesses, the High Priority Organ Transplant List and Sonny Vetter's personal medical records. The latter comes from the National Archive of Organ Transplant Candidates. It contains the following information:

  • Full name: Sonny J. Vetter
  • Telephone number: (416) 555-9878
  • Social Insurance Number: 675 564 555
  • Address: 1200 Fleet Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2A7
  • Date of application: 05/23/92
  • Date of birth: 12/23/35
  • Profession: Police officer
  • Organ requested: heart
  • Blood type: A
  • Allergies: none
  • Other medical information:
    • Family history of heart disease (paternal)
    • Minor case of asthma
    • No history of surgery

It should be noted that Nick Knight later accesses a similar record for another candidate for a heart transplant. However, Nick uses the provincial organ transplant list, and the format of their patient records is somewhat different.
